This Tuesday, for a window of 12 hours, StoryLTD will offer 51 lots in auction featuring works by notable modern and contemporary artists such as Gobardhan Ash, Paritosh Sen, Ram Kumar, Shipra Bhattacharya, K Muralidharan, Akhilesh, Atanu Bhattacharya, Karl Antao, Partha Shaw, M Pravat, Sharmi Chowdhury and Manoj Kachangal.

With No Reserve to hold you back, take a chance and bid on these lots between 8 am – 8 pm IST.

Sales touched a total of Rs 32,50,200(US $39,159)  Read more..

Auction Analysis

No. Percentage
Total lots in auction Default Default
Lots sold Default Default
US $ Rs.
Total sale value
(inclusive of buyer's premium)
Default Default
Total 10 lots by Value
Lot No. Artist, Title Sale Value US $ Sale Value Rs.