This Tuesday, for a window of 12 hours, StoryLTD will offer a collection of 65 lots as part of its Old Maps and Vintage Prints auction. Including vintage prints and maps from 18th and 19th century India, the works on offer come from a range of notable mapmakers and artists, including Edward Wells, Gerard Mercator, William Faden, Jacques Nicolas Bellin, James Baille Fraser, Thomas Daniell, François Balthazar Solvyns, William Hodges, and Johann Zoffany among others. These rare works depict a plethora of subjects—from quotidian life, hunting scenes, court and battle scenes, portraits of royalty, political events, and cultural occasions of British India, to architecture and landscapes of the subcontinent.

With No Reserve to hold you back, take a chance and bid on these lots between 8 am - 8 pm IST.

Sales touched a total of Rs 40,56,600(US $48,875)  Read more..

Auction Analysis

No. Percentage
Total lots in auction Default Default
Lots sold Default Default
US $ Rs.
Total sale value
(inclusive of buyer's premium)
Default Default
Total 10 lots by Value
Lot No. Artist, Title Sale Value US $ Sale Value Rs.