Untitled (Saura Painting)
a) Signed 'A.K.PRADHAN' (lower right) b) Signed 'A.K.PRADHAN' (lower centre) c) Signed 'A.K.PRADHAN' (lower left)
Permanent ink on paper
a) 8 x 11.5 in | 20.5 x 29.2 cm
b) c) 11.5 x 8.25 in | 29 x 21 cm
(Set of three)
Saura art, a style of mural painting practised by the Saura tribal community in the state of Orrisa, like most other forms traditional art, draws upon the local folklore of the people practising it. It has ritualistic significance for the community.Saura art was first studied in depth and became known widely to the world through the studies of the famous anthropologist Verrier Elwin.