Size: 38 x 29 mm
Gross Weight: 9.4 gms
Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign in the horoscope wheel and is symbolised by the Crab. The crab has an impenetrable outer-shell, but is vulnerable inside. Similarly, Cancerians enjoy a safe and cosy space in life, but feel threatened by any change in their life. They are sensitive, domestic, compassionate, romantic, and creative.

About the collection:
Zodiac signs intrigue one and all. The concept of the zodiac originated in Babylonian astrology, and was later influenced by Hellenistic culture. According to astrology, the 12 zodiac signs represent human characteristics. Browse our collection of zodiac pendants to explore more about zodiac signs. They also make for a perfect gift for a loved one!
StoryLTD Ref No: 62976
  • Rs 5,500 (exc GST)
  • $75


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Silver pendant with base as black plating and zodiac sign in gold rhodium plating

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